REC Poland supports sustainable development in Poland by improving environmental awareness, initiating pro-environmental changes in society and the economy, and coordinating the international exchange of experience in various fields related to sustainable development.
REC Poland is an organisation that has been carrying out environmental protection activities in Poland since 1992. In recent years, these activities have focused on the protection of non-forest mountain habitats, wetland protection, environmental education, public communication and sustainable urban mobility. REC Poland employs 6 people.
We have many years of experience in coordinating large-scale projects funded by various European funds (LIFE+, Norwegian Funds, Swiss Fund, etc.).
Michal Miazga is an expert in nature conservation, public communication and environmental education. With biologist degree, for more than 20 years he has been implementing a variety of environmental projects including school environmental education projects, wetland, semi-natural grassland and mountain open habitat conservation projects. Conservation manager, public communication trainer, co-author of reports and studies on environmental policy and conservation. He leads the work of REC Poland, intermittently, since 2008..
Paulina Dzierża
education, social communication, botanical expertise
Paulina is a botanist, with a dual degree in biology and an interdisciplinary degree in environmental studies. She has been interested in environmental protection since childhood and since the beginning of her career has been involved in nature conservation, mainly in wetlands. She has carried out numerous projects aimed in education, popularisation, research and active nature conservation. She has extensive experience in nature inventories and assessments as well as nature monitoring. Her professional career includes acting in non-governmental organisations, being an independent expert, as well as working in administration, including running the secretariat of the Ramsar Convention at the General Directorate for Environmental Protection. She considers education to be the most important tool for environmental protection and the only effective and persistent way to succeed in this area.
Karol is an environmental engineer by degree. His interests fall in anything, which relates to water, especially to anthropopressure on wetland ecosystems. At REC, his key responsibility is the implementation of technical measures related to water retention. During his career, he gained experience in nature conservation in the Kampinos National Park. He has also prepared water management plans for municipalities and Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plans. Privately, he lives close to nature running a small farm located in the Vistula valley.
Karolina graduated faculties of Spatial Management and Project Management. She believes that it is possible to achieve sustainable growth, in the same time respecting the nature, maintaining economic prosperity and ensuring people’s happiness. In her previous professional work she was a coordinator of EU-funded projects in on municipal level and in NGOs. In REC structure she is in charge of financial and administrative aspects of the Kampinoskie Bagna 2 project.
Magda graduated Management and Marketing faculty at the Warsaw University of Technology and postgraduate studies in Project Management at the Warsaw School of Economics. She has coordinated projects both in automotive corporations and in non-governmental organisations, implementing programmes financed from State (NIW) and European Union Funds (EFS).
Fitness trainer, with a passion for sport. Licenced sailor, she was always fascinated by nature and the environment. Lately, she draws energy from discovering the secrets of yoga 🙂
Both from passion and degree, Ewa is a naturalist with a strong a focus on botany. She is also a hobbyist animal scientist. Her desire to understand the relationships, causes and effects in the nature is her main drive to constantly expand her knowledge and maintain scientific growth. She conducts research on landscape ecology and plant invasions. Childhood memories and the call of adventure and nature draw her to the backwoods, meadows and moors. In the hectic pace of life, she finds peace and quiet wandering on the moors.
Jerzy Misiak ( r 1946) absolwent Wydziału Leśnego SGGW i studiów podyplomowych Ochrona parków narodowych. Praca zawodowa: Nadleśnictwo Dobieszyn, RDLP Radom ( 1971-1976), Kampinoski Park Narodowy ( 1976-2014), w latach 1988-2014 dyrektor Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego.
W czasie kierowania Parkiem doprowadził do wielu nowatorskich rozwiązań w zakresie jego organizacji i ochrony. Utworzone zostały trzy ośrodki edukacyjne, wieloosobowy zespół naukowy, stacja bazowa monitoringu środowiska przyrodniczego, sieć obserwacji wód, stacje meteorologiczne i punkty pomiaru opadów. Urządzony został kampinoski szlak rowerowy i wiele ścieżek edukacyjnych. Opracowany został pierwszy plan ochrony Parku, wydana została trzy tomowa monografia Parku, utworzony został kwartalnik Parku „ Puszcza Kampinoska” i czasopismo dla dzieci pt. „ Łoszak”, zrealizowano wiele wydawnictw popularnonaukowych i naukowych.
Na terenie Parku wykonano liczne prace naukowe, w tym o podstawowym znaczeniu dla ochrony i renaturyzacji mokradeł. W 2013 r. wdrożono nowatorski projekt ochrony mokradeł p.n. „Kampinoskie Bagna”, finansowany z funduszu Life.
Zainicjowana została współpraca z zagranicznymi parkami ( USA, Rosja, Białoruś, Francja) a także z międzynarodowymi organizacjami ochrony przyrody np. Eurocite.
Pod kierownictwem Jerzego Misiaka w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym zrealizowano także wiele innych projektów z zakresu ochrony przyrody, edukacji, turystki, ochrony zabytków kultury i pamiątek historii, współpracy z samorządami i lokalną społecznością oraz rozwoju zawodowego i naukowego kadry Parku. Uporządkowane pod względem prawnym zostały kwestie zasobów nieruchomości Parku.
Jerzy Misiak aktywnie działał również społecznie biorąc udział wielu organach opiniodawczo doradczych ochrony przyrody. Za swoją działalność zawodową i społeczną został odznaczony Krzyżem Komandorskim Orderu Odrodzenia Polski.