
Carpathians Unite: Sheep Herding Revival

Source of funding


Name of client/donor

National Foundation for Environmental Protection of Poland

Overall project value

EUR 155,000


January 2012 – December 2016

Beneficiary countries


The project objectives were achieved by:

  • maintaining and developing traditional sheep grazing in mountain pastures and semi-natural meadows, protecting traditional breeds of livestock and supporting the revival of the pastoral tradition;
  • reducing the negative impacts of tourism on natural areas by drafting a regional sustainable tourism development strategy for a selected part of the Carpathians;
  • improving access to information on the Carpathians, their natural and cultural heritage, tourist infrastructure and actions undertaken for the implementation of the convention by launching the web portal “Carpathian Informatorium” to present data on the Polish Carpathians using geoinformation techniques, and by conducting a series of trainings and lectures;
  • creating a network for information exchange among institutions and bodies working for the implementation of the Carpathian Convention;
  • ensuring public participation in the implementation of the Carpathian Convention by creating a wide platform for public consultation and support for thematic working groups.
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