June 2017 | Print | Poster
Wetlands are my LIFE!
The increase of acceptance of wildlife and wetlands among the society is a very important element for the coherent implementation of nature conservation. Promoting wetland conservation projects, which are needed to preserve ecosystem balance and mitigate climate change, is one of the important tasks of REC Poland during the “Kampinos Wetlands” project.
The tree frog is dreaming about the wetlands
“Swamp is the habitat of countless species of animals. For many of them it is the only house. In the past wetlands were everywhere: in every landfill, along the banks of the lakes and along the rivers, there were huge peat bogs, mud and impenetrable marshes. They gave shelter to numerous species of animals, and in case of danger also the surrounding population. Today there was little left. Their last fragments survived in national parks and nature reserves where they have the greatest chance of survival.
Kampinos National Park and its partners are working to preserve and improve wetland habitats within the KAMPINOS WETLANDS project. The aim is to protect the wetlands considering the needs of the local community. “