Source of funding
European Commission
Name of client/donor
Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme
Overall project value
EUR 317,662
May 2017 – September 2020
Beneficiary countries
Estonia | Finland | Latvia | Lithuania | Poland | Russia
As a result of the BEST project, local water utilities and sewage treatment plants will gather more information about the sources, content and treatment of industrial wastewater. Various industrial facilities will also gain knowledge about how their wastewater affects the treatment processes. They will learn about legal requirements and will be shown practical examples of how and why industrial sewage should receive better pre-treatment in order to ensure both environmental benefits and benefits for the company itself in terms of resource use efficiency and environmental responsibility.
The best available pre-treatment techniques will be presented, along with cooperative practices between industrial companies, wastewater treatment plants and the authorities responsible for making environmental decisions and granting permits.
The project will produce an assessment of the current situation in terms of discharges and the treatment and management of industrial waste in the Baltic Sea region. The partners will jointly present examples of the best available technical solutions (for the monitoring and treatment of industrial wastewater and sewage sludge) and management models.
An educational package and guidelines for the more efficient management of industrial sewage will be created to support institutional capacity building.